The Gathering Welcomes the newest artisan to our shop...
photographer Debi Trudeau of Watseka. Debi writes about herself and her photography art-cards:
Small town living with corn and bean fields surrounding you like a huge patchwork quilt, now that is the life! Others might disagree, but growing up in this area is what I know and love. “Bloom where you are planted” is what comes to mind, and I feel blessed the Good Lord “planted” me here. I am also grateful He has made my “roots” run deep and given me “eyes to see” the beauty of His work. Photography is my hobby and my dear friends are my encouragement.
My name is Deb Trudeau and I have been married to my husband and best friend, Kevin for over 30 years and have two sons, Dustin(at home in Heaven) & Cory (living on the Trudeau family farm). We are blessed with a grandson, Joseph and his 5 cousins that we consider grandchildren… Taylor, Mason, Ashton, Lathan & Kyah, their mom Casey is like our daughter. It all just means more HUGS!
After taking thousands of photos, and collecting favorite quotes and scripture for many years, my friends have encouraged me to start a line of cards. I am truly happy to share with you what I have discovered to be great treasures. The card line now contains a “Heritage Series” (Farm related), “Birds & Critters”, “Flowers”, “Butterflies” and “The Forrest Floor” (Mushrooms). Some of the shots are taken on my occasional travels or in friends’ gardens, but most of my shots are taken out my own back door. I do enjoy “playing in the dirt” and trying to tend to my flowers and “feathered friends” in the garden. Gardening is one of my greatest joys!
There are many cherished scriptures that over the years have become very significant to me. Also, I have collected hundreds of quotes from inspiring people who have encountered troubled times and nonetheless have prevailed. Wisdom is a gift and should be shared. I have included these on each card with a photo that I feel corresponds to the “message”….I hope that they in turn “speak” to you. Or perhaps, you can pass words of encouragement, love, or even hope on to a friend or someone you know might need them as you did when you first heard them.
My camera equipment is very modest and I rely on “natural” lighting for nearly every shot. Most photos are taken on a casual walk in the garden or while “inspecting” the newest bloom. My camera has been dropped in the mud, in the snow, and ice, and bounced along a pile of rocks while I slid along with it! It’s probably good that I don’t have expensive equipment! Remember, this is only a “hobby”! If you happen to admire a particular shot, please “give credit where credit is due”. The “creation” is not mine; I have simply captured the creation from the Creator! I hope the photos bring to you a moment of beauty, a memory or a treasure that you are able to share. It truly is all in the …
“Eye of the Beholder”.
It pleases me to take amateur photographs of my garden, and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look professional. ~Robert Brault
You can find Debi's work at the Gathering displayed through out the shop. If you have a hard time locating it when you stop in, be sure to ask one of the shop attendants to assist you.